Please click on the individual tabs where you will find a personal profile of the engineer behind the project. Information and a selection of project images detailing concept design, pattern work, plug construction, prototype development, mould production and finally component manufacture and final assembly.
Rich Howlett
* 2017 * 2018 * 2019 * 2022 * 2023 *
* Knebworth Concours Masterclass Winner *
Hot on the heels of back to back concours wins at the 2017 Nostalgia Show, Leicestershire and The 2017 Car & Bike Roadshow, Cambridgeshire. Rich Howlett’s Seven styled Hardtop Coupé design made it a triple, beating off all the elite classic and sports car competition at this years annual Masterclass awards held at Knebworth House, Hertfordshire
Columns, Features, Tech Tips, Owner Interviews, Restoration Articles, Show Reports, Product Reviews.
Looking for a Freelance Magazine Writer with a technical racecar engineering background...